Category: Marvel Comics

Think hard about this one.  From any of the comic book universes, if you could pick and choose and put your own custom team together, who would be in it?

Be ready to explain your choices and in the interest of being brief, limit your teams to no more than 13 members.

I am a cheater, a dirty cheater.  I admit this freely and I am not proud of what I have done; but I feel it was necessary.  Let me back up a little and explain.  I had to break up with my comic book store this weekend.  It’s been a rocky relationship, friendly most of the time but frustrating.  I won’t go into the details that brought me to this decision, but now the deed is done. 

The bad thing is that I cheated.  I started the relationship with the new store before I broke up with the current store, that makes me a cheater.  Don’t fret however, I emailed the old store as soon as I got home.  Yes, I broke up via email.  Not only am I a cheater, I am also a coward.

I am sure that many of us have had to do this at one point or another.  I’ve had to do it twice over the past couple of years and in the interest of decency there are protocols to doing something like this that are important to follow.  The old saying of don’t burn any bridges applies here.  You don’t want to act like a jerk or piss anyone off over this because you never know when you might run into someone from that shop again.  You also don’t want to leave them in a bind by leaving without at least picking up any purchases or orders you’ve made. 

There was a time when I seriously considered opening my own comic book store.  I was very serious about it and I did a lot of research on the subject.  In case you weren’t aware, the comic book business is pretty cut throat even before the economy went to Hell.  Store owners have to pay for their comic orders upon delivery.  Having to eat too many books because they didn’t sell or a customer orders something and never picks it up can add up and eventually ruin the business.  Like many comic book fans out there, I have a reserve bag or pull list or whatever your local store calls it.  I automatically get the books I want reserved for me each week so I never have to worry about them selling out of an issue before I can make it to the store.

One of the most important things to remember is if you’re considering changing your comic book store or leaving for whatever reason you at least get the stuff you’ve already ordered and let the store know in enough time that you are cancelling your subscriptions.  You don’t want to risk bad blood between you and the store by stiffing them on your order.  That’s where don’t burn bridges comes into play.  You never know if you will end up back at that store for anything in the future.  Best to end things amicably and keep your reputation in tact.

Owning a comic book store is a rough endeavor with pitfalls that other types of retail stores don’t have to suffer through.  If owning a small business wasn’t rough enough, the comic book industry is a pretty unreliable one at best.  You have to cover your order on a weekly basis upon delivery, no ifs, ands or buts.  Diamond Comic Distributors is just about the only place in the US to order comics from and they are not known for their generosity.  The last thing shop owners need are “deadbeat” customers who order things they never pick up.

In the end the best advice is do the right thing.  You wouldn’t want someone stiffing you on an order if you were the shop owner.  Everyone has their reasons from time to time for having to break up with their comic book store.  Be cool and gracious about it and everyone can remain friends when the dust settles.  Seriously though, don’t be a jerk and stiff the store on your order, it’s not cool.  Whether you have bad blood with the store or not it’s not the right thing to do.

And if you’re wondering why I decided against opening my own comic book store, the answer is right here.

I’ve been on the fence about this movie.  I haven’t been impressed with any of the trailers I’ve seen so far so I’m just not that excited about Captain America: The First Avenger.  The Nerd will admit when he’s wrong however.  This new trailer looks really good and there is now a twinge of excitement building.  Check out the trailer below courtesy of Yahoo Movies.

It’s almost hard for a nerd to admit it, but I am not totally on the digital media bandwagon.  I was pretty quick to embrace digital music because let’s face it, it’s awesome.  Movies and TV shows are likewise awesome in digital form and I don’t know what I would do without them.  I’m even okay with the idea of newspapers becoming extinct because who reads them anymore as it is?  However when it comes to ebooks and ecomics, I think I have to draw the line.

Call me old fashioned, but I am having a difficult time accepting digital books, magazines and comic books.  I have tried using them, but the experience fell short of spectacular.  I don’t get to read as much as I use to in my younger days.  There are too many distractions these days that steer people or at least me away from reading.  When I say reading, I’m not talking about a news article here or a tech review there.  I mean sit down, read and enjoy an actual book.  Whether it be fiction or non, a biography or something else that suits your fancy.  There is nothing better than reading a good book from start to finish.

Audiobooks have their place in all of this and I can see the value and need for them.  Reading while you are driving is just plain stupid no matter how many times I’ve seen people do it.  But what I am talking about is holding the book in your hands, turning the pages.  Feeling the paper, smelling the ink on the pages.  Ebooks take that experience away.  I know some will argue that ebooks take less physical space and you can carry more of them with you.  That’s a great and very valid argument that I cannot dispute.  Like I said earlier I guess I am old fashioned.  I want to hold that book myself, I want to own it and be able to look at it on my bookshelf when I am finished with it.

Comic books are pretty much the same.  The whole idea and the fun (for me) about comic books is collecting them.  Having that tangible object in my hand and seeing the print on the pages is something that can never be captured in digital form.  Of course you can still collect them in digital form and it will take up less room; but I highly doubt that in fifteen to twenty years anyone will offer you a dime for your comics in digital form.

The comic book industry is going all out and embracing the digital revolution.  Some say that spells doom for local comics retailers as a whole.  People will not want to drive down to their local comic book store when they can purchase, download and read their latest issues with a few clicks of a mouse.  DC Comic stepped it up when they announced recently that all new issues will be available in digital form on release day.  It’s only a matter of time before Marvel, IDW and others follow suit.

I’m not saying that those of you who choose to get your printed media in digital form are wrong.  I am saying that for me, those forms of digital media aren’t desirable.  The funny thing is that I own an iPad.  I even own some digital comics and a few ebooks.  That doesn’t make me a traitor to the cause.  I had to be able to see the different myself before I could form an opinion on them.  I buy ebooks regularly and read them quite often.  It’s still not the same as holding the real book in my hands.  I found myself over the weekend searching through one of my local book sellers for a hardcopy book.  I guess I wanted to prove to myself that I hadn’t compromised my values.

It’s probably only a matter of time before printed media goes away in the mainstream.  That doesn’t mean we have to start digging the grave already.  Or has it been dug and we’re just waiting for the flat line to kick them into the hole?  I suppose there will always be people like me who try to hang on to what we’re use to.  Compact discs didn’t completely kill the vinyl album so there may still be some life left in printed media.

Just in case you’ve been trapped in your storm shelter all day and haven’t been able to check out the latest buzz on the Internet, here it is.  Yes, I got lazy and did this as one big post instead of several smaller ones.

Today’s biggest story (so far) is the supposed leak of The Avengers script.  Someone claims to have gotten their hands on a copy of the script that belonged to Samuel L. Jackson and is offering it up to the highest bidder.  I love to hear about movie spoilers, but releasing the entire script more than a year before the movie is due to be released is just terrible.  You can read more about it at GeekTyrant.

The G.I. Joe sequel has gotten a title and will more than likely be shooting in New Orleans starting later this summer.  The title of the film according to will be G.I. Joe 2: Cobra Strikes.  Treat this as only a rumor until you hear something more official.  Read more about it at Comic Book Movie.

The once big thing in social networking is going on the auction block.  News Corp. is looking to sell off MySpace.  According to the Wall Street Journal, News Corp. is hoping to fetch somewhere near $100 million.  Having paid over five times that amount for it in 2005, the outlook for MySpace doesn’t look good.

And last, for all you gadget whores out there.  Apple is releasing a white version of its iPhone 4 tomorrow.  I wonder if a certain someone will be taking the day off tomorrow off to go buy one.  You know who you are.

Yes, the Avengers have assembled and filming has commenced.  Check out the first official image released by the studio.

New Thor Trailer

A new trailer for Thor was released.  Check it out.  I think it’s going to be much better than Captain America.

Marvel has been hinting for some time now of the death of a member of the Fantastic Four.  Today Marvel revealed that in issue #587 Johnny Storm, aka the Human Torch will die.  Storm’s death will essentially end the long running series as the surviving members disband and go their separate ways.

Whether the Human Torch stays dead for very long is anyone’s guess.  This seems to be a popular move these days; to kill off a popular character, then hype their return a year or so later.  No one in the comics universe is ever truly dead for long.  Check out a previous posting I wrote concerning the popular move to kill off popular comic characters here.

The Fantastic Four were first introduced in 1961 and marked the beginning of the Marvel Age of comics.  The wildly successful title has been a staple of the Marvel Comic universe ever since.  The Fantastic Four issue #587 hits comic stores on Wednesday, January 26.

I love awards season and the Super Bowl because of all the movie hype.  Awards season means that you’ll be able to easily find a pirated copy of a nominated movie and the Super Bowl is when studios start pitching upcoming blockbusters.

Studios this year will be shelling out 3 million dollars for a 30 second spot during the game.  Some have elected to buy more cost effective ads during the pregame events or after the game.  Check out the list below of previews you can look forward to seeing.

Kung Fu Panda 2
Just Go With It
Battle: Los Angeles
The Eagle

During the Game
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Cowboys & Aliens
Super 8
Captain America: The First Avenger
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Justin Bieber: Never Say Never
Take Me Home Tonight

Greetings all!  It’s Thursday and you know what that means.  Cold winter weather is slamming us here on the east coast today, but that won’t stop me from giving you The Word.  It’s been sort of a slow week, but there has been some really surprising news happening.

Movie Nerd

Jon Favreau Won’t Direct Iron Man 3
This has got to be the most surprising news this week in the nerd world.  Actor/director Jon Favreau confirmed the story that broke Tuesday that he will not be directing Iron Man 3.  After the announcement there was speculation for the reason, but nothing firm until Favreau late Tuesday.  In an interview with the LA Times, he explained his reasoning for leaving the Marvel franchise.  There are also rumors from Hollywood sources that a rift between Favreau and Iron Man star Robert Downey Jr. was the cause of the split.  You can read more about it at Hero Complex, Geek Tyrant and Comic Book Movie.

Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson Announce Divorce
The Green Lantern and Iron Man 2 stars who wed in 2008 announced Tuesday that they have mutually decided to end their marriage.  The pair issued a joint statement saying that “We entered our relationship with love, and it’s with love and kindness we leave it. While privacy isn’t expected, it’s certainly appreciated.”  As sad as it may be, it doesn’t appear that the break up will affect any upcoming projects for either actor.  So all the single girls and guys can once again resume hope.

Release Date for Wrath of the Titans Announced
The eagerly awaited sequel (hint of sarcasm) to Clash of the Titans has been set for release on March 30, 2012.  Sam Worthington, Gemma Arterton, Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes will be reprising their roles.  I wasn’t that impressed with Clash of the Titans so I am not all that excited to see the sequel.  Maybe as a continuation of the story this film will be better than the first.  It’s hard to imagine how it could get worse.

More Dark Knight Rises Rumors
However unlikely this may be I have to admit it sounds really cool.  An undisclosed “source” from Warner Bros. has supposedly spilled the beans about the plot of The Dark Knight Rises.  The script has been turned in and reveals that Dr. Hugo Strange, Talia al Ghul, Black Mask, Killer Croc and Scarecrow will all make appearances along with Harvey Bullock and Sarah Essen.  There are some descriptions of several plot points that are awesome, but I doubt there is much validity in this story.  You can read all about it at Comic Book Movie.  Since the original post, this rumor has been debunked at false.  Click here for more.

Tim Burton Superman Costume in Action
Remember that god awful Superman costume that would have been worn by Nicholas Cage in Tim Burton’s Superman movie?  If not, then catch the video below and count your blessings that it never made it to the big screen.  I am not sure what look they were going for but I have seen cosplay costumes that were much better looking.

The Future of Marvel Comics Movies
With the departure of Jon Favreau from the Iron Man franchise it is hard to determine now what the fate of future Marvel projects will be.  Before the news of Jon’s jumping ship broke, Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios spoke with the LA Times about upcoming projects.  Check out the interview at Collider.

The Ark in Transformers: Dark of the Moon
If you paid attention to the trailer and you are a Transformers G1 fan, then you may have noticed something.  The crashed alien spaceship on the moon is more than likely the Autobot Ark.  In the original animated series, the Ark was the ship that brought Optimus Prime and the other Autobots to Earth.  Although it was never referred to as the Ark in the series, the comic book stories established it.  Read more about it at Seibertron.

Tech Nerd
Internet Connected HDTVs Vulnerable to Hackers
A study by a security marketing firm has determined hackers could use an internet connected HDTV to gain access to home networks.  There are few details as to what the vulnerabilities are or how to fix them.  The name of the firm who discovered the problem is also being kept secret.  What is known is that the hack is similar to PC hacks that involve Java scripts.  You can read more about it at The Register.

Email Protected by Fourth Amendment
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled recently that email is protected by the Fourth Amendment.  That means that authorities are required to have a warrant before being able to access your email.  This should have been a no-brainer from the start, but it’s nice to know that not all of our rights are being trampled upon.  Read more about it at EFF

15 Tips to Improve iTunes
iTunes works pretty good as is.  With recent updates its better than it ever has been, but there is always room for improvement.  From the fine folks at Maximum PC, 15 tips to help make iTunes even better.  Click here.

Facebook Named Best Place to Work
According to a survey by, the world’s leading social networking site Facebook is number one on their list of the best places to work.  The survey shows that websites rated higher on the survey than offline companies when it came to employee satisfaction.  My dream company to work for Google was 29th on the list.  Read all about it at CNET.

Mark Zuckerberg Named Person of the Year
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg was named this year’s Person of the Year by Time Magazine.  In spite of having been painted in a bad light by the movie Social Network and the bad press Facebook has been getting due to security and privacy concerns, Time Magazine chose Zuckerberg.  You can read more about it CNET.

Most Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2010
Lifehacker has compiled a list of their most popular downloads based on site traffic.  It doesn’t contain some of my personal favorites, but it is impressive nonetheless.  These are all free applications some more useful than others to help enhance your Windows experience.  Check out the full list here.

AT&T Customers to Jump to Verizon
If the rumors are true and everything is pointing to them being true, then AT&T may be in trouble in the coming year.  It is being predicted that AT&T stands to lose a significant number of iPhone customers to Verizon.  With Verizon rumored to be getting the iPhone sometime early next year, this spells trouble for AT&T who was recently rated dead last among mobile providers.  I for one will be one of those early adopters.  Read more at it at CNET.

TV Nerd

David E. Kelly Wonder Woman Series May Not Happen
In what seemed like a done deal now has the shadow of doubt cast upon it.  Kelly said in an interview with Comic Book Movie that there is no deal in place but he intends to “take a stab at it.”  He went on to say that he’s not committed to the project yet and unless he can find a way to make it work, he won’t “delude Warner Bros. or anybody else that I should be doing it.”  Read more at Geek Tyrant.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 3
Season 3 of The Clone Wars appears to be heating up.  The series takes place between the events in Episodes 2 & 3 of the Star Wars movies.  The Republic is at war with Count Dooku and the Separatists.  Jedi Anakan Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi lead the clone armies against the droid forces of General Grievous.  In season 3 starting in January 2011, things take an unexpected turn.  Catch the video preview below.

Gaming Nerd

Xbox Live vs. PlayStation Network
The two online gaming platforms were pitted head to head to see which was the reigning champ.  Both have their advantages and disadvantages.  Users of either will try to convince you why theirs is better than the other.  If you’re trying to decide which is the best for you, then this guide can help you choose.  Read all about it at Reg Hardware.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Gets Major PC Patch
Treyarch’s latest patch for Black Ops is now live for PC.  Earlier this week Xbox 360 and PlayStation consoles received patches that fixed a number of reported issues.  Unfortunately for PlayStation owners, the patch caused additional problems.  The full list of fixes for the 1.04 patch can be found at GameKit.

Han Solo and Chewbacca Killed
Yeah you read that right.  The two beloved characters meet their demise in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II.  The video below shows the rather gruesome and disturbing snuffing of Han and Chewie when the Battle of Endor takes an unexpected turn for the worse.  Check it out via YouTube.

First Sex Game for Kinect
You knew this was coming.  As soon as some revolutionary new technology is released, someone finds a way to adapt it for sex.  This is rather disturbing and NSFW video, the new game being developed is demonstrated.  When you can sit in your living room and have sex with any woman in the world, it’s going to make crack look like Red Bull in comparison.  Again I will warn you the video is NSFW.  Click here for more.

Gadget Nerd
TRON Inspired Gaming Headset
TRON is everywhere these days and you can expect it to be around for just a little while longer depending how well the movie does this weekend.  To go along with your TRON 360, PlayStation and Wii controllers and your TRON mouse and keyboard, you now can get TRON headphones to complete your set.  These aren’t as impressive looking as some of the other products released but they look just cool enough to complete your TRON ensemble.  Get a close look at Engadget.

Reigo Smart Toilet
As you get older you learn to appreciate the notion of a well functioning and self-cleaning toilet.  Now I have to say that I have seen it all, but I will admit that I sort of want one of these.  This is the ultimate water closet accessory.  It comes fully equipped with a cushioned heated seat, automatic opening and closing lid, automatic air sanitizer, lighted interior and exterior, it’s self flushing, has SD card support so you can listen to music while you take care of business and it will even clean your DMZ with warm water when you’re done.  Who could ask for more in a toilet?  Read more about it and place an order for your own at INAX.

Pic of the Week

Source: Imgur

The Nerd says, “Did you know that bees and dogs can smell fear?”