Category: trailers

If you haven’t already seen The Dark Knight Rises new trailer, now is your chance in full HD glory.  This is definitely one of the most anticipated movies of the upcoming summer.  The most difficult part will be having to wait until late July to see the film.

There has been a ton of speculation surrounding plot and characters in this installment of Christopher Nolan’s Batman saga.  We’re not given much more insight by this trailer, but we do get a glimpse into how dark and gritty it will be.  Anne Hathaway as Seline Kyle (Catwoman) has a wonderful bit in the trailer and show us this will be a hard hitting drama that stands to top The Dark Knight.

Check out the trailer below!

There is also a companion piece to this where I discuss whether if fans are ready to see Batman die.  Check it out here.

You can also download the trailer courtesy of Apple.

By The Nerd

One of the surprise hits from last year was AMC’s The Walking Dead.  Even though season one was only a pitiful six episodes, the ratings for it were through the roof.  It’s amazing at all this genre programing getting such great ratings. 

At The Walking Dead panel at SDCC, the premiere date for season two was announced.  The new season will premiere on Sunday, October 16.  You can see the trailer for season two below.

A little more than a month away and the more I see of this, the more excited I get.  The movie looks amazing and if the finished product is half as cool as the trailers I’ve seen, we’re in for quite a treat.  I am not too keen on giving Ryan Reynolds green eyes when he is in uniform, it just doesn’t look right.  But if that is the only thing I can complain about, this movie is going to rock.

Enjoy the stills I’ve taken from the new trailer.  I tried to include as much of the new footage as I could.  We get to see the Yellow Lantern (Sinestro Corps) symbol and a couple of the Guardians.

The new trailer for Transformers: Dark of the Moon has finally been released.  I watched multiple times and in spite of my once bitten, twice shy attitude toward the Transformers movie franchise, I found that I was once again excited about this movie.  The trailer for Revenge of the Fallen was far better than the movie itself was.  Let’s hope that Michael Bay doesn’t make the same mistake again.  I’m counting on you Mike, don’t let me down again.

Four minutes of absolutely amazing footage from Green Lantern was shown at WonderCon this weekend.  The footage shown looks like the trailer that has been rumored to be attached to Thor.  I don’t know about you, but I am pumped up to see this movie.  June can’t get here soon enough.  Check out the WonderCon footage along with some screencaps and some links to two TV spots that were shown over the weekend.

TV Spot 1

TV Spot 2

Apollo 18 Trailer

For some reason I love these creepy conspiracy theory movies.  You’re pretty sure they didn’t really happen, but the fact that it could have makes the suspense that much better. 

For those of you unfamiliar with the NASA space program, there was no Apollo 18 mission…or was there?  Check out the trailer below.

This is the week for teasers apparently.  The long awaited teaser trailer for Marvel’s Thor was released yesterday.  I’ve never been a big Thor fan, but based on Marvel’s recent movies I’m going to give it a shot.  The trailer is quite impressive and you can see how it is going to mix in with the Iron Man films.  Check it out and leave your comments.